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A little look back and a little look forward


Hi Everyone,

I do hope you are all keeping well and for those of you on the East Coast I hope the recent storm has not effected you too much; and for those of us out West I hope that you are all ready for the Blizzard which is due to hit us Sunday night/Monday morning - Stay safe everyone.

Well I have a HUGE BIG THANK YOU to say to all of you as I have now had TWENTY THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED and TWENTY TWO visitors to my website - THANK YOU!

December is a busy month for me with quite a few 'private' presentations for those who are having something different at their Christmas get togethers and then a couple of weeks to myself before it's January and more presentations, some private and other public - if you are looking at booking a presentation for early in the New Year, I do have a few mornings and a couple of evenings still free in January and February but you will have to be quick as dates are filling up fast.

I've up-dated my website for the months of December so please if you get a chance have a look, and I'm still working on compiling all the prisoners and information relevant to them into one easy to use spreadsheet - I'm up to 650 prisoners now, so only another 3, 405 to go!

Until next time

Take care



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